Depression & Anxiety Therapy in Long Island

Conquer your depression, anxiety, and fear

Do You Have Depression and/or Anxiety?

We are all going to feel sad from time to time. Feeling sad is normal. Feeling sad is a sign of a healthy mind. However, sadness shouldn’t stick around for weeks, months, or years for seemingly no reason. Lingering sadness commonly transforms into feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, emptiness, and numbness. These difficult feelings are signs of depression. 

Depression has the ability to affect every part of our lives: how we think, feel, and interact with the world. This can lead to all sorts of physical and emotional problems, causing negative feelings to compound and increase in severity. 

Does this sound like something you’re struggling with?

You’re Not Alone

Nearly 17 million Americans experienced a major episode of depression in the last year – and that’s a low estimate. It’s one of the most common mental health disorders in the world. A great depression therapist can help you regain clarity and awareness to overcome your depression and enjoy your life again. A depression therapist’s job is not to tell you what to do, but to listen, guide, and empower. 

That’s what we do at Eclectic Psychotherapy of Long Island

Signs & Symptoms of Depression

Constant Mood Swings

Mood swings can be caused by a number of factors. This can be depression, anger management issues, the trauma of life events, or our current living situation. Our mission is to find the root causes of the unsettled mind so we can work on a plan towards healing and inner peace.

Isolation & Lonliness

Modern-day life has become more and more distant over time. Living in a post-pandemic world has only accentuated this trend and its negative effects. Our minds crave social stimulation and meaningful relationships. Living without them can trap us in a depressed state where we are less likely to pursue these relationships. Simply talking to a professional counselor is a powerful first step in overcoming these issues. 

Harmful Thoughts

Harmful thoughts come in a variety of forms and levels of severity. Persistent, negative thinking is the most common harmful thinking we see. It can keep us trapped in a world of pain and fear that seems hopeless, but can be overcome with the right help. If your negative thinking is causing you to consider self-harm, contact someone immediately. 

Avoidance & Fear

We’ve all experienced feelings of avoidance and fear. These are healthy emotions that keep us safe from the various life dangers that come our way. It’s when these feelings become persistent, irrational, and unproductive that we have a problem. Our counselors will help you identify the source of your avoidance tendencies and develop a plan for overcoming them.

Stress & Anxiety

Stress and anxiety have become one of the most common mental health issues in the United States. We are living in an increasingly complex world that puts our minds into “fight or flight” mode constantly. Work, family, and other life pressures can build up our stress to the point of physical illness and mental breakdowns. You don’t need to feel this way. Our therapists have helped clients settle their stressed minds and we can help you too.

Irritability & Anger

We all have anger in our lives every now and then. Typically it’s situational, but sometimes it’s persistent and seemingly random. Sometimes the anger is so severe it damages or ends our relationships with people we care about. Our counselors will help you examine the root causes of this anger and steps that can be taken to overcome it.

More On Signs of Depression

Hopeless outlook on life

Depression has many symptoms. The symptoms can combine and feed off of each other as the severity of the disease increases. It’s difficult for the depressed mind to perceive any escape from the twisted mess of emotions. It’s so common for the situation to seem hopeless and for us to feel helpless. 

Our mind is a tool that constantly looks for solutions to problems. Sometimes the mind can find no solution causing our situation to seem endless. 


One of the most common symptoms of depression is a lack of energy. Fatigue keeps us from going out and doing the things that we enjoy doing. 

A lack of energy breeds a stagnant life. It’s easy to see how this can become a negative, compounding cycle. 

Sleep Problems 

Depression can commonly lead to insomnia. Insomnia can lead to depression and anxiety. You can see the potential for another downward spiral, much like fatigue. 


There is limited evidence that depression causes anxiety, although the two conditions commonly occur together. 

Turbulent Emotions

An outburst of anger swells up out of nowhere. Then things seem fine momentarily. Next, you’re crying for seemingly no reason. This may sound like a bipolar disorder, but depression can be responsible for mood swings as well. 

Losing Interest 

Depression can cause a loss of interest in the things you enjoy. This can include sports, music, hobbies, relationships, and sex. 

Depression Therapy in Long Island

Our team of certified counselors are proud to provide depression therapy for our fellow Long Islanders. Our goal is simple: to get you on the path towards a happy, content life and walk with you towards that destination. We’ve helped hundreds of Long Islanders regain happiness in their lives and we can help you too. 

Depression isn’t your fault. You don’t need to just “toughen up” or “get your life back on track”. Clinical depression is a disease that can be treated with the right help. You can feel better and we’ll help you do it. 

You Can Conquer Depression

Life in the modern world is challenging and increasingly disconnected. A person suffering from depression will often crave community, belonging, and purpose but will lack the energy and motivation to pursue what they want. It’s common to feel a lack of self-worth and believe happiness will always be just out of reach. Negative thinking becomes a trap to ensnare our mind, body, and soul. 

You have a chance to enjoy your life in ways that may not seem possible now. Speaking to a certified depression therapist is a powerful first step towards overcoming these issues and living an amazing, joyful life.  

Getting Started is Easy


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Frequently Asked Questions

Which form of therapy is most effective for major depression?

Psychotherapy is the most effective form of therapy for major depression. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy and is considered the most effective for anxiety and stress. 

Patients with depression often carry a negative view of themselves, their experiences, their environment, and their own future. CBT aims to identify and modify the pattern of negative thinking and behavior. CBT has been shown to be effective in all age groups and it’s currently considered the best method in preventing relapse. 

Interpersonal Therapy is also a proven treatment in this area. The goal is to treat depression through understanding and improving our relationships.

Our therapists are trained in a variety of modalities. This allows us to blend the perfect counseling experience for your specific needs and life situation.

Which therapy is best for anxiety?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered most effective for anxiety disorders as well. 

Anxiety disorders can vary greatly so there is no “one answer fits all” solution. That being said, CBT is proven to be helpful in the treatment of phobias, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and more generalized anxiety symptoms.


What questions should I ask my counselor?

Your conversation with a counselor may go in many directions – but we recommend asking yourself a few questions beforehand:

What brings you to therapy? What are your goals for therapy?

Why now? How will your life change once goals are met?

How important is this to you?

What’s your understanding of the issues?

How will you know when your goals are met?


There is hope.

An experienced depression counselor can help you turn things around so you can live the life you deserve.

Here at Eclectic Psychotherapy of Long Island, we only bring on the most experienced therapists with proven track records of changing lives. We aren’t here to tell you what to do, but to listen and take the journey towards healing with you. There is a path towards contentment and satisfaction with your life. Our job is to light the way. 

When you’re ready, give us a call or send us an email and we’ll have a conversation about your needs. We’ll get you in touch with one of our counselors if you decide to seek treatment. 

We’ve been treating depression in New York for over a decade and love meeting our fellow Long Islanders. We can’t wait to meet you too. 

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445 Broadhollow Road, Suite 25, Melville, NY 11747

100 Main St East Rockaway, NY 11518

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